The security code is a three or four digit code printed on the credit card. The number is not stored on the card magnetic stripe nor is it shown on receipts or merchant verifications. The security code serves as evidence that you physically possess the card at the moment of on-line shopping and reduces possibility for card fraud.

Position of the security code depends on the credit card. Enter the control code from your credit card into the appropriate field according to the following instructions for selected credit card.

American Express cards issued in Croatia beginning with number ’3775’ have a three digit security code printed on the back of the card, which should be entered in appropriate field. Otherwise, a four-digit code printed on the front of the card should be entered.

For other American Express cards, it is necessary to enter a four-digit code printed on the front of the card. (see the picture) For MasterCard and Visa Classic credit cards, it is necessary to enter a three-digit code entered on the back of the card.